
Finding Control In The Chaos

The Challenge, Excitement and Reward of our Journey

Lt. Col. Janis Nark USAR (Ret.) will take you on the journey of her life, from her inauspicious start in a Detroit suburb to private boarding schools in Europe. Actress, Registered Nurse, Ski Instructor, Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur, Professional Speaker; Janis is all of these. Retired from 26 years on Active and Reserve Duty in the US Army Nurse Corps and Veteran of both Vietnam and Desert Shield ; Desert Storm, she has some stories to tell, insight, inspiration and feelings to share. Come on along, it's quite a trip.

Tools For Transformation

How to Gear Up For Success in Your Changing World

Do you equate stress with change? Are you as physically and mentally prepared for your future as you need to be? Are you capable of putting chaos in perspective right now? Insight and illumination will be yours with this session.  Janis Nark is a Vietnam Veteran, certified ski instructor and president of her own corporation. She will share with you her knowledge and experiences of change. Included in this humorous and informative presentation will be specific tools, techniques, and strategies for transformation. Take charge of change! You won't want to miss this one! You will learn transformation strategies, tools, techniques and insights for handling change.

"A Woman's Journey To War And Back"

LTC Janis Nark (USAR, Ret.) shares the idealistic dreams and the harsh realities of her world during her 26 years as an army nurse. You'll hear her stories of war, and it's peacetime aftermath. She'll share the challenges of moving from a traditional female role (nursing) into the very male dominated arenas of the military, macho ski instructors and as an entrepreneur. Janis will touch your heart and your funny bone. You will remember her for a long time.

"Going to War: What You Need to Know"

Colonel Nark takes her audience on the journey of her time in the military; though two wars and their aftermath. It's all about the highs and lows of life in the service. Her experiences and insights will delight, inform and touch you to your core. This is for all who serve, and all who wait. Everyone who sees and hears her will come away with a bold new perspective of their role in today's extremely challenging life in and around the military.

COPYRIGHT © Nark and Associates
Professional Services by david regenthal